Meaning of the Symbol on YOUR Soap

Each soap is hand stamped with its own symbol. 

The symbol on your soap is perfect for you! Match it up with one of the 5 pictures below for the meaning of YOURS. The symbol is made up of 2 shapes. Together it makes a key. The top half is one of 5 shapes. The bottom half key is the opening/access/opportunities to the top lesson. The bottom key has 2 shapes.

This means that the access to the lesson lies on the left side, your Yang side. Through action, deliberate intention, focused creation, courage, speaking your truth, standing up for yourself with the power of the top symbol be revealed / harnessed / accessed.


This means that the access to the lesson lies on your right side, your Yin side. Through softness, receptivity, compassion, relaxing, self-love and acceptance will be power of the symbol be revealed/harnessed/accessed.


My twist on the runic symbol called Ansuz. Keep an open heard and especially an open MIND (clearing it, setting aside your automatic judgements, opinions, stories and pasts). And LISTEN for guidance from your guides and ancestors. Pay attention to your intuition telling you what to do. Watch for signs and signals for what the cynical call 'coincidence'. It is not coincidence. When you are thinking of a word and suddenly you hear it on Netflix, it means where you are at and what you are doing is PERFECTLY aligned. So keep on that path.


Runic symbol called Berkano. You are in a place of slow gentle rebirth. The transitional stage you are now at is perfect for you. You are called to move, release, let go, expand with ease. Pay attention and be ready to burn off your past, otherwise it sticks around and the next stage could be more challenging. Honour the gentle rebirth and growth like an ancient birch tree, whose roots just keep breaking the earth, breaking new grounds.


Runic symbol called Raido. You are on a journey. If you imagine your whole life as a journey, then we let go of expectations that often leave us disappointed. The journey always leads us to the next. In this journey, we did some stuff, experienced joys and sadness, success and disappointments. It is perfect as our souls said we would come to experience a rich life that included the wonders of human emotions through our unique journeys. Right now, you are venturing on YOUR special journey. Whether it is a little adventure or a longer sojourn, this symbol reminds you to pause and marvel at what has unfolded and be excited about what is to come.


This is Sowilo from runic symbols with an infinity centre. We are eternal. The universe is infinite. Sowilo is the Sun and the golden light of success. You could take this to mean that you circumstances now are looking bright. And or it could be that ALL that you do, even if it sometimes doesn't feel so great, is all part of the eternal experience. We come and we go and the humbling part is that eternity goes on and on, regardless of our petty problems or wonderful success. Celebrate everything tha tyou are now! THAT is the true success. Whatever that feels fabulous and bright and joy filled IS YOUR success.


This is a cup symbol. The cup in so many cultures stands for water element. It is time for you open up your heart, tap into your Soul's always knowing of Faith. Water calls us to let go, relax, let the river of life move us. When we have faith, we relax into the currents and float, knowing the universe will carry us to the next best place. This is not a time for action. Action and doing to create is just as necessary as allowing and relaxing, AND now is the time for chillaxing! When we relax, the mind rest, we hear the heavens, our soul's speak. We then stop pushing against the currents and FORCING things to go our ego bound way.
